Principal: Renee Colwell-Roy
Email: rcolwell@sps186.org
Main School Phone #: 217-585-5819
School Fax #: 217-585-5820
Office Hours: 8:00a.m.-4:00p.m.
Laketown Daily Schedule
Student Attendance Hours:
Mon., Tues., Thurs. & Fri.: 9:00a.m.-3:30p.m.
Every Wednesday - 9:00am-2:30p.m.
*Morning drop off for Car riders and Walkers is in the back parking lot on Sherman St. The gate opens at 8:40am. Please No drop offs in the front parking lot. Buses will be arriving at that time to drop students off.
Breakfast: 8:40am-8:55am is Free for all Students
Lunch : 1st Shift-
11:45-12:05pm, Recess 12:05-12:30pm for K-2 Strive, 2nd, 3rd, & 4th
Lunch: 2nd Shift-
12:20-12:40pm, Recess 12:40-1:05pm for 3-5 L.S., Kindergarten, 1st, & 5th
*Transportation Changes needs to be called into the office no later than 2:15pm
Back Gate for Dismissal opens at 3:25pm Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, & Friday. Parents and Guardians need to come onto school grounds to pick up students.
Back gate for Dismissal for Wednesdays are 2:25pm. Parents and Guardians would need to come onto the school grounds to pick up students.
*Dismissal for all Car riders and Walkers are out back of the school on Sherman St. Please no pickups in the front parking lot.
Laketown Student Focus
"Today as a learner, reader, and writer… I will do great, awesome and amazing things!"
Our Mission
All students will learn to their full potential.
Our Vision
At Laketown Elementary, students, teachers, parents and community members will work together to support continuous improvement in student achievement by addressing the academic, social, emotional, and physical needs of our learners.